Affordable Warmth Services

  • Comprehensive service
  • Experts in energy efficiency
  • Work with organisations across Scotland
  • In the financial year 23/24:
  • 6,100

    Households supported

  • £1.26m

    Financial savings for households

  • 93%

    Service satisfaction rate

Changeworks’ Affordable Warmth Services team is skilled in working with people and households on low incomes and who find themselves in vulnerable situations.

Our team of advisors and volunteers provide tailored in-depth support to improve energy efficiency, reduce energy costs and are specialists in resolving billing and debt issues.

Fuel debt is a worry for many households at the moment, but isn’t uncommon. The Affordable Warmth Services team can talk you through the options that are available, such as speaking to your supplier and working out a payment plan.

Your energy supplier will only ever cut off your gas or electricity supply as a last resort. By law, there are several steps they must take before they can do this.

On top of this, the team can engage in mediation with energy suppliers to help householders with billing troubles, help them access grants and other financial measures. The team can also speak multiple languages to help as many householders as possible.

Our results

During the 2023-24 period the team:

  • Achieved over £1.2m in financial savings for clients by helping them switch to a better deal, resolving debt issues and offering energy efficiency advice
  • 99% of clients found the service provided by AWS approachable and friendly
  • 98% of clients said that the advisor explained the information in a way that was clear and easy to understand
  • 97% of clients said that their advisor was knowledgeable about how best to help them
  • 93% of clients were satisfied or very satisfied with the support they received from their advisor

The Affordable Warmth Services team can be contacted from 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday, on freephone 0800 870 8800. You can also email them at

Affordable Warmth referral form

Whether your an individual or organisation, you can refer yourself or a client to our Affordable Warmth Services team.

Sign up to hear more from Changeworks

Sign up as an individual to receive monthly tips and tricks straight to your inbox on how to save energy in the home and reduce your bills. Sign up as an organisation for the latest updates from Changeworks and how we’re helping households across Scotland to lower their carbon emissions.
