Thomas Close

Name: Thomas Close

Job title and brief description of role: Home Energy Scotland Energy Advisor

My task (although it goes to multiple locations and takes different forms) is simply to start people’s journey towards warmer, greener homes with lower fuel bills.

A typical day can cover a range of situations and queries, and no conversation is ever the same. I might be advising on how to improve the energy efficiency of a property, whilst exploring funding for doing so. I might be helping people lower their bills through signposting them to various benefits or support funds, or providing them with behaviour change guidance. I could also be helping people go greener, from looking into renewable options for a property to finding funding for green travel options.

What is the best thing about working at Changeworks?

The sense of worthiness and knowing that the support you are providing is having a positive impact on people’s lives and on the environment.

Also getting to see the development and ingenuity of renewable technology and advancements.

Do you have any standout moments from your time so far?

I have supported my group in creating additional resources such as the Tenure Guide.

How would you describe your colleagues/organisational culture?

Engaged and Immersed

What does working at Changeworks mean to you?

It means collectively doing small parts to make big differences. All I am doing is starting people’s journeys, but with the potential that they meet people with different expertise and get the ball rolling into a big change.

Would you recommend working at Changeworks?

Yes, it is a low-stress work environment with a sense of community building within the Home Energy Scotland group. The changes do impact people, and as long as we keep on-top of the ever-changing policies, technologies and environments, we are relevant.