Delivering digital advice and energy efficiency packs for vulnerable households

In spring 2023 Changeworks ran a pilot project, funded by Ecotricity, working with community anchors to reach people in, or at risk of, fuel poverty. The support and resources included:

  • Fuel poverty and energy advice training for frontline staff
  • Digital energy advice resources including information videos and a toolkit for partner organisations
  • Packs of energy efficiency measures for vulnerable clients, including reflective radiator panels, draughtproofing strips and an energy saving advice sheet

Online training sessions delivered to frontline staff included advice for debt advisors in partnership with StepChange, a bespoke session on air source heat pumps delivered with Warmworks and the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations, and webinars on fuel poverty and energy advice.

Participants completed surveys which showed that knowledge and confidence in delivering energy advice increased across the board.

Through the project:

  • 107 frontline staff and volunteers were upskilled to provide energy advice to those in or at risk of fuel poverty
    • 3,200* householders will be provided with energy advice by the trainees, securing a legacy far beyond the project period
  • 23 organisations were empowered to share energy advice across their comms channels
  • 611 vulnerable households received energy efficiency measures packs, following direct referrals from 25 partner organisations

“Really great training, clear presentations. Should be given to all professionals who engage with individuals with inequalities.” Feedback from training participant

“We plan to include the information in our work plans and share with other members of the Public Health Team…. Our team really values our working relationship with Changeworks and the difference we can all make to individuals who experience Health Inequalities.” NHS Borders

“The toolkit will help us to deliver energy advice and sharing information among our communities… These will be handy to share whilst doing our home visits and different activities.” Networking Key Services

*estimated provided by training participants

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