Changeworks welcomes industry guests as part of new networking event 

Changeworks recently brought together speakers and stakeholders from across the sector as part of the first Changeworks Connects engagement event. 

Taking place at our Edinburgh office the theme of the event was to talk about the retrofit of the city’s iconic social housing buildings. 

James York and Camille Davison from Collective Architecture presented on their experiences of working on heritage or listed buildings. They each detailed case studies of unique projects including Cables Wynd and Linksview House.  

James York and Camille Davison from Collective Architecture present at Changeworks Connect event

James York and Camille Davison from Collective Architecture


Morven Masterton, Changeworks’ Head of Community Engagement and Energy Advice Services, discussed how we engage and support tenants, highlighting the work of our Affordable Warmth team. She also outlined a new advice service and discussed tackling fuel poverty on a national scale.  

We were delighted to host a full house for the event, and the networking session following the presentations was a great opportunity for people from across the sector to share their experiences. 

This free event was the first in a series of Changeworks Connects events which will be scheduled later in the year. Keep an eye on our online channels to learn about the next event. 

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