About Us

We are Scotland’s leading environmental charity delivering solutions for low-carbon living. A trusted expert with over 35 years’ experience.

Header image - houses on a street

Our vision

Changeworks’ vision is for a world where everyone is able to live, work and enjoy life with a low-carbon impact. We recognise climate change is the most significant threat to the environment and our way of life.  

Our mission

We develop and deliver high impact solutions to make low-carbon life a positive reality for everyone. 

What we do

Changeworks has over 35 years’ experience in delivering high impact solutions for low-carbon living. We work collaboratively with partners, organisations and householders to drive transformation in energy efficiency and to tackle fuel poverty. 

Find out more about what we do 

Our strategy

Changeworks’ strategy is clear and simple – to decarbonise Scotland’s homes. 

The Scottish Government has set a legally binding target for net zero emissions of all greenhouse gases by 2045. Scottish homes account for 13% of the country’s emissions, and the energy efficiency of many of these homes need to be improved. 

So, the work to decarbonise Scotland’s homes must take place now. 

Find out more about our strategy

Leadership team and board

Led by Chief Executive Josiah Lockhart, our directorate is comprised of individuals with a wide range of expertise and experience, from the environmental, social and construction sectors. This depth of knowledge is vital to Changeworks achieving its strategic goals to support Scotland’s net zero targets. 

Find out who they are


Our story

Changeworks has been delivering energy efficiency measures for housing over nearly four decades. We have led the way in delivering solutions to lower carbon emissions, tackle fuel poverty and help householders to save energy.   

Our story


Our impact

Our work has never been more important, with energy prices, fuel security and the climate crisis at the top of the agenda. Throughout 2023-24 we provided advice to 64,000 householders, helped over 13,000 households to install energy-efficient measures and helped to save householders over £1m on their energy bills.

Read our Impact Report

Our values

Changeworks has five values that drive everything that we do – collaboration, innovation, integrity, passion and empowerment.

Our values

Equality in the workplace

Changeworks is currently working towards the Investors in Diversity Accreditation, delivered by the National Centre for Diversity.

Find out more


Warmworks is a joint venture partnership between Changeworks, Everwarm and Energy Saving Trust. The partnership delivers Warmer Homes Scotland, a national fuel poverty scheme funded by the Scottish Government.

Read more about Warmworks

Change Waste Recycling

Change Waste Recycling (formerly Changeworks Recycling) was founded in 2001 as a trading subsidiary of Changeworks. In 2023, Changeworks sold its share of the award-winning waste and resource management company to Forbes Connor, Managing Director of Change Waste Recycling.

Read more about Change Waste Recycling

Our carbon footprint

Understanding our carbon footprint and limiting this as much as possible is a vital aspect in acting as an exemplar organisation.

Find out about Changeworks’ carbon footprint


Changeworks is in receipt of a number of national and international accreditations and standards, including ISO9001 and Investors in People. These ensure we deliver high quality services and projects.   

Discover our accreditations

Sign up to hear more from Changeworks

Sign up as an individual to receive monthly tips and tricks straight to your inbox on how to save energy in the home and reduce your bills. Sign up as an organisation for the latest updates from Changeworks and how we’re helping households across Scotland to lower their carbon emissions.

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