Our impact 2023-24

Innovation is key to tackle the climate emergency. Find out how we’re making a difference, and how we can work together to decarbonise Scotland’s homes.

An advisor sits at a computer in the Changeworks office whilst speaking to a customer on the phone.

Our impact over 2023-24

Everyone deserves a warm, affordable, and sustainable home. At Changeworks, we are constantly innovating to ensure a just transition to net zero through decarbonising Scotland’s homes. ​​Last year, our new services and partnerships meant we were able to support even more householders across Scotland. 

From providing energy advice, supporting communities to act, through to delivering in-depth support for people in need, our dedicated, expert teams are there every step of the way.

This includes ensuring homes are affordably warm by providing project management services, working with social landlords and councils to make housing more energy efficient.

In 2023-24 we:

  • Provided advice to 64,000 householders through Changeworks services, including Home Energy Scotland in the Highlands and Islands and South East
  • Helped over 13,000 households to install energy-efficient measures and renewables, bringing them closer to having affordably warm homes*  
  • Provided in-depth support to over 4,000 households in fuel poverty 
  • Achieved over £1 million of financial savings for householders through our Affordable Warmth team
*These figures include 2023-24 data from Changeworks’ services, Changeworks’ share of Warmworks activity and Home Energy Scotland Highlands & Islands and Southeast. 

Read the full Changeworks Impact Report 2023-24

Innovative services

As a social enterprise, innovative service development and partnership working is key for us to achieve our aim of ensuring a just transition to net zero. In 2023-24, we launched several new services to increase our scale and impact: 

  • Scotland’s first end-to-end home retrofit service EcoCosi 
  • A pilot service for social tenants working with the Scottish Federation of Housing Associations (SFHA)

We are continuing to grow, evolving our services and scaling our reach to support even more people.​ Using the learnings from the successful Housing Association Energy Support Service pilot, we are now launching Tenant Energy Support, supported by SGN, to help even more tenants living in social housing. 

Our home retrofit service EcoCosi, which launched in Edinburgh last year, is now expanding to the Lothians. In 2023-24, the service had over 1,000 registrations form interested homeowners looking to improve their home’s energy efficiency through retrofit.  

Click to download a PDF version of our Impact Report

What’s next?

As we move into the final year of our strategy, we will continue to innovate and grow to accelerate the decarbonisation of Scotland’s homes deliver against our strategic goals.​

We will continue to:​

  • Develop new and evolve existing services ​
  • Build on existing and develop new partnerships​
  • Expand the reach of our community engagement ​
  • Use our expertise, voice and influence to accelerate home decarbonisation​
  • Invest in our infrastructure, including in our digital capabilities, to further scale our reach

As we look forward to the next strategic period, 2025-30, our focus will remain on improving the energy efficiency of homes and supporting householders to ensure a just transition to net zero.

Get in touch and find out more about working with Changeworks

If you or your organisation want to partner with Changeworks, or would like to find out more about how our services can positively impact your work, submit your details below and a member of our team will be in touch.