Volunteer profile: Anand Manayamparambil Sajeevan

What influenced you to want to volunteer at Changeworks? 

I was looking for an opportunity to take part in climate action. Home heating relies on fossil fuels, which is a major cause of climate change. So by being a Heat Hero volunteer at Changeworks I can help householders bring down their carbon emissions and save on energy bills, thereby playing my small part in the bigger picture. 

What roles have you undertaken as a volunteer at Changeworks and how have you found the experience? 

I deliver light-touch energy advice at social events, as well as help in the office with printing, postage and data entry. Everyone at Changeworks, especially my coordinators Kathleen and Rebecca, are super-friendly, value and appreciate the work done by us volunteers, and keep us well-updated and engaged. 

What is it you find rewarding about volunteering at Changeworks? 

Volunteering has equipped me with knowledge regarding real-life energy problems, showed where priorities lie and what changes need to be made. It helped me with my degree to gain experience and has allowed me to network with professionals in the field which has also helped me to land a job. I also got to travel across Edinburgh and the surrounding area for different events which added to the reasons I love volunteering at Changeworks.

What has been your most memorable moment volunteering at Changeworks? 

It was a trip to Dunbar and when I had my first in person training at the Changeworks office in Edinburgh. 

What advice would you give to somebody thinking about volunteering at Changeworks? 

Changeworks should be your go-to place to volunteer if you are passionate about making a contribution to helping Scotland meet its net zero targets, mitigating fuel poverty, and making low-carbon, sustainable living a reality. 

Interested in becoming a Changeworks volunteer?

Contact us directly to find out more about volunteering opportunities at Changeworks and how you can apply.