Quality assurance
Our Quality Assurance team ensures that contracted work is carried out to the highest standards.

Independent and experienced
We provide an independent quality assurance service that ensures contracted retrofit works are of the highest quality and in line with relevant industry standards.
Our expert team are accredited PAS 20235 Retrofit Assessors, with in-depth and up-to-date knowledge of inspecting a range of energy efficiency measures to industry standards.
With independent quality assurance you can provide full transparency to your client, including project delivery time and the materials being used. This will help to mitigate any risks and complaints that could arise, as well as save you time and money over the length of the project.
Preventing issues
Robust quality assurance identifies potential issues early on, allowing you to avoid bigger and more costly problems later in your project. Early intervention is particularly effective at reducing the likelihood of damp and mould developing, securing better living environments for householders.
We can provide quality assurance as a Managing Agent, or as a standalone service. This is based on best practice and in line with industry standards such as PAS 2030 and PAS 20235.
Our Quality Assurance service includes:
- Independent technical inspections to assess the quality of works against the contract specification and industry standards
- Regular site visits and reporting to monitor the work in progress at key stages of installation
- Detailed reports, including photographic documentation which will be shared with the contractor and the client
- Any remedial action that is required will be highlighted in these reports along with photographic evidence of the issue
- Contact with the project team and/or contractor to highlight any snagging issues that are identified on site,ensuring that the appropriate action is taken within the agreed timeframe
- Follow up visits to check remedial work has been carried out as required
- Support with householder contact on any issues to ensure swift, satisfactory resolution
Get in touch
Contact us today to find out how Changeworks can help you.