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Estimated bill headaches resolved through Changeworks advocacy

When his former electricity supplier went into administration, Angus was switched to a new company.

His new bill took a long time to arrive, and when it did it was an estimated bill for an abnormally high amount – £1,000.

Angus tried to communicate with the supplier multiple times which was stressful, and he found them difficult to understand over the phone as he has impaired hearing. Despite his efforts, Angus was unable to reach a resolution with them.

Our Affordable Warmth Advisor talked with Angus about his situation and advocated with his supplier on his behalf. An investigation into the estimated bill was opened and after readings were considered, Angus received a greatly reduced revised bill from £1,000 to £150.

The advisor then talked through repayment options with Angus to make sure he was on the best payment plan moving forward. Changeworks managed to help Angus save over £1,200.

Angus said: “Thank you very much, I could not have done it without you. I’ve been in this property for two and a half years and haven’t been able to resolve this.”

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