Edinburgh householder ‘delighted’ with external wall insulation work

Catherine Murray recently had external wall insulation installed on her home in Oxgangs.  

This installation was part of an energy efficiency project that Changeworks is delivering with the City of Edinburgh Council to reduce carbon emissions whilst helping alleviate fuel poverty.  

External wall insulation makes it cheaper and easier to heat the home, meaning householders can expect to save on their heating bills.  

Catherine was offered this major home improvement at a significantly reduced cost, and she is “delighted” with the difference it’s made to her home. With it being an external insulation measure, there’s no work done inside the house. 

“My house is warmer, much warmer, it’s really noticeable.”

She said: “My house is warmer, much warmer, it’s really noticeable. I don’t need the heating on as much, I put it on in the morning and then the house is fine until I put it on again at about 7pm or 8pm until I go to bed. If I’m in the living room, it contains the heat. 

“We’re on the main road and the people that pass stop and look, it’s amazing. People stop to comment on it.” 

“It really brightens the place up, I don’t get out much anymore but when I do, it makes you feel better when you do come into the area, you can really see the difference between the ones that have been done and the ones that haven’t been done, it’s great.

“I really appreciate the work that’s been done.” 

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