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Changeworks and Glen Housing Association: Net Zero Pathways

Changeworks has been working with Glen Housing Association since 2021 as part of a three-year partnership to develop and deliver retrofit projects.

Changeworks has provided its Net Zero Pathways wrap-around support to help the housing association to define its stock improvement strategy to align with net zero targets.

In 2022-23, Changeworks completed a report which recommends a deep retrofit to reduce tenants’ energy bills while transitioning to low carbon heating. Energy modelling carried out using information from building assessments highlighted that most of the housing association’s stock is not far from achieving an EPC B as required for EESSH2.

However – in part due to the ongoing energy crisis – tenants are struggling to affordably heat their homes. To reduce tenants’ energy bills while transitioning to low carbon heating, fabric measures will be required – and significant savings can be made in many properties through insulation.

The report found that it would be feasible to achieve net-zero compatibility in these properties with appropriate design and quality assurance input. Changeworks is working with Glen Housing Association to develop a pilot project to implement improvements of the association’s housing stock.

Ian Byers, Housing Manager at Glen Housing Association said: “Changeworks has provided valuable data analysis and strategic support to allow us to start to develop a decarbonisation strategy across our housing stock.”

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