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Internal wall insulation helping householder feel more comfortable

When Ipemndoh bought his maisonette in October 2021, there was no heating at all in his home.  

He had to use three portable heaters in each room to try to stay warm, but it was still cold. As winter came, not only was Ipemndoh freezing, he also became very unwell. 

He called Home Energy Scotland for assistance, who recommended that he register for an Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Scheme taking place in the area. The current schedule of works was closed, but when the project reopened, Changeworks contacted Ipemndoh to let him know that he was eligible to have internal wall insulation installed for free. 

It would be silly for anybody not to take up this offer.”

The installers were really helpful when they arrived to carry out the works in his home. They helped Ipemndoh to move his belongings so that they could install the internal wall insulation. He was really grateful for the assistance he gave them, saying it was brilliant work. 

Ipemndoh has noticed a vast improvement in the warmth of his home. With the new insulation in place, he didn’t need to turn the heating on until February this winter. As there was no heating supply when Ipemndoh moved into his home, he can’t compare bills before and after the insulation was installed, but he is much more comfortable now. 

Ipemndoh’s advice for anyone else considering internal wall insulation is: “Go ahead! These people are brilliant. My experience is positive, you actually gave me money for my decoration too. You would be silly not to take it up. 

“I know how much this would have cost me if I had done it myself – where would I get that money from? It would be silly for anybody not to take up this offer.” 

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Changeworks delivers Home Energy Scotland in the south east and Highlands and Islands on behalf of the Scottish Government and Energy Saving Trust.

As well as providing free, impartial expert advice to thousands of people every month to help them to keep warm in their homes for less, they identify funding opportunities for households seeking to install energy efficiency measures.

For more information, give Home Energy Scotland a call on 0808 808 2282 or email and the team will be happy to help you.