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Susan’s RTS shutdown story: Part Two

In February we spoke to our colleague Susan about her RTS meter switch.

A month later, we caught up to see how she got on following her meter appointment.

If you have an RTS meter and are worried about the switch off, our RTS shutdown page can help.


Last time we spoke you’d got date for your supplier to change your meter. Did the appointment go ahead?

It did. It took around two hours, as there were a few complications, but overall it went well. My old RTS meter was replaced with a smart meter. The engineer was very professional.

Is your heating and hot water working properly?

Yes, but I am not sure if I am on the correct tariff.

Which tariff did you go for in the end? Did your supplier help you to make an informed decision?

I went for the equivalent of an Eco 7 tariff so I can get off-peak electricity. I can now use my wet appliances at the off-peak rate, but it does mean I have to stay up until after 11.30pm. This isn’t ideal as I worry about fire safety.

I’d like to run my wet appliances more cheaply through the day, so I’ve tried contacting my supplier to discuss other tariff options. I’ve had a conversation via their chatbot but they won’t consider looking at my tariff until I have had the meter for six weeks. I screenshotted some of the chat, which will help if I need to complain at a later date.

How are you getting on with your smart meter? Did it come with an In-Home Display?

It’s good. My supplier said the data wouldn’t be useful until after six weeks, but I’ve already found the In-Home Display really helpful. It’s helped me better understand how my home uses energy, and by making a few changes I saved over £100 on my energy bill last month.

I would recommend a smart meter with an In-Home Display, particularly for people with high energy bills. It’s been a bit of a journey to get a smart meter, but it’s definitely worth it.

Is there anything else you want to highlight about your RTS experience?

I struggled with a lack of information, especially around my tariff. I think it’s important for people to keep asking their supplier for information and complain if they don’t get it. Your supplier has eight weeks to respond to a complaint, and if they miss this deadline you can escalate your complaint to the Energy Ombudsman. That’s what I did before to get my appointment. I might need to do it again if I my concerns about my tariff aren’t dealt with.

For people worried about how to contact or what to say to Ombudsman what’s your advice?

It’s an easy process. It’s a little impersonal, but definitely worth pursuing.

If you are experiencing problems with your supplier, our complaints template can help.

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