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Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Schemes

Changeworks delivers Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Schemes to householders across Scotland to help reduce bills and save energy.

Row of blue solar panels on orange roof.

Over the last twelve years, alongside the Scottish Government, local authorities and Home Energy Scotland, we have supported thousands of householders across Scotland to install energy efficiency measures such as air source heat pumps, internal, external or cavity wall insulation.

If you live in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Moray, Fife, Borders, Midlothian or South Lanarkshire you will receive a letter asking you to register your interest by completing the online form for your local authority area.

If there are no projects taking place in your area at the moment, you can use Home Energy Scotland’s funding tool to find out what other support may be available for you.

Depending on your local authority and eligibilty, there are a number of energy efficiency measures you could have installed at your home.