Boiler upgrade
Heating and hot water make up over half of what you spend in a year on energy bills. Installing an efficient boiler can help to reduce your energy bills, as well as reduce carbon emissions.

From 2005, boilers are legally required to be condensing boilers. Condensing boilers are much more efficient than old boilers. They capture and reuse more heat with less heat escaping in the flue. Replacing your boiler will make your heating system more efficient and help keep your home warmer.
Most new boilers have a range of heating controls, including smart controls, which will allow you to manage your heating and hot water more effectively.
The average cost of replacing a gas boiler is around £3700.
Heating controls allow you to manage the heat in your home. The boiler programmer or timer is the main controller for your boiler and tells the boiler when to turn on and off and a thermostat controls how warm your home gets. Your installer will discuss these heating controls with you. You can find out more about managing your central heating system on our Managing your heating page.
A timer, which may be referred to as a programmer, allows you to control when your heating and hot water turns on and off. This helps you to manage timings that best suit you.
You can choose what temperature to set your thermostat, which should be the lowest comfortable temperature. Thermostats turn the heating on until the room reaches your set temperature and will then turn off until the temperature drops. During the winter, a good indoor temperature is 18-21 degrees. Try setting the temperature as low as you can, but not so low that you’re uncomfortable. For every degree you turn down, you save around 10% on your heating bill. To provide an accurate temperature of your house, do not block the thermostat or place it near heat sources.
The installation of the boiler will usually take 2 days. The furniture may need to be moved, if you need assistance to do this, help can be provided. Flooring may need to be lifted to allow access to underfloor to replace pipework. Radiators may need to be replaced but this will depend on what is currently in the property. If you have concerns, questions or will need additional support during this installation, you can contact Moray Council. You can also contact Changeworks Retrofit Delivery team on or by calling 0131 539 8603.
Where possible, we will try to install a renewable system rather than upgrade your gas boiler. However, in some homes a renewable system – such as a heat pump – could leave you with higher energy costs. To avoid this, we would upgrade your boiler instead.
A more efficient boiler will also still contribute to reducing carbon emissions.
Please call our Retrofit Delivery team on 0131 539 8603 or email us at
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