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Retrofit step 4: Generation

By generating your own energy you can power your home, your heating and even your electric vehicle.

Row of blue solar panels on an orange roof.

Generate your own renewable energy

If your home is warm thanks to good insulation, ventilated and running an efficient heating system, you’ll next want to look at generating your own renewable energy.

Solar panels – also known as solar PV – are a versatile technology that can work at different scales to provide various benefits in your home. This includes electricity for running appliances, heating (now that it’s electric) and hot water.  

It can even decarbonise your transport by charging an electric vehicle. Soon, more and more vehicles will be required to be electric, so this is another way to future-proof your home.  

Most solar panels are installed on the roof, though if your garden is big enough and there is space, sometimes they can be installed there.  

A hot water tank with an immersion coil (a feature of heat pumps) can be utilised to draw any excess energy going to the grid for hot water heating. If the solar generation is large enough, a battery can be fitted to make sure you benefit from all your solar production rather than sending it to the grid. 

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