Contact us

Customer care policy statement and complaints procedure

At Changeworks we respect our customers. We believe they are entitled to the highest standards of service.

This statement outlines our aims in customer care.

  • What you should expect when you contact us
  • The standard you should expect
  • Lets our staff know what is expected of them
  • Encouraging comments/complaints from our customers.

In our day to day business we often need to ask for personal details about you and members of your family. We will treat anything you say to us with discretion. Some information you give us will be confidential. However, we may need to share some essential details you give us with certain bodies.

We will make you aware of what information is likely to be passed on. You can see information relating to you held by us on file or on computer. You must let us know in advance and we may make a charge for this.

We try hard to give a fair and efficient service. We welcome customer feedback to help us identify strengths and weaknesses which will help us make improvements to our service.

We carry out surveys from time to time to find out how well our customers think we are doing in various key areas of our service. These surveys may be through telephone interviews or posted questionnaires.

We recognise that there may be occasions when things go wrong. If this happens, we want to know about it. We will explain to you how to put forward your complaint.

We have clear policies and procedures which promote equal opportunity and respect for the needs of everyone in our community.

These policies have been developed in line with relevant legislation. We are committed to ensuring that no grant applicant, job applicant, contractor, tenant representative or employee receives less favorable treatment than another on the grounds of religious affiliation, colour, ethnic or national origin, sex, sexual orientation, disability, race, creed, marital status or age. We will act swiftly and firmly against any form of discrimination.

When writing we will:

  • make our letters clear and easy to understand
  • answer your letters and e-mails within 10 working days of receiving them, or keep you updated if an answer will take longer
  • answer the phone within five rings whenever possible give our names when we answer your call
  • deal with your enquiry or complaint on the spot if we can
  • tell you what we can do and when, or tell you why we can’t help (if we can’t help you immediately, we will try to tell you who can)
  • return your call within one working day if you call and leave a message.

When we discuss matters with you we will:

  • keep notes of what was said and agreed
  • ensure that our discussions cannot be overheard if the matter is sensitive
  • explain our policies and way of working to you clearly whenever you ask for an explanation
  • keep you informed on the progress of any enquiry and tell you the name and the phone number of the person dealing with it.

When we visit you we will:

  • help you fill in forms if you need help
  • carry and show identification badges

In our office we will:

  • provide up-to-date leaflets giving you information that is clear and easy to understand
  • have clear signs and display our opening hours in our office

How to make a complaint

How to complain

Step one – contacting us

The first step is to talk to a member of Changeworks staff. This can be done quite informally, either directly or by telephone.

Usually, the best staff member to talk to will be the person who dealt with the matter you are concerned about, as they will be in a position to help you quickly and to put things right. If they are not available, or you would prefer to approach someone else, then ask for their manager. The staff member will tell you who to contact.

We will try to resolve the problem on the spot if we can. If we can’t do this, for example, because information we need is not to hand, then we will take a record of your concern and arrange the best way and time for getting back to you. This will normally be within five working days or we will make some other arrangement acceptable to you.

Step two – taking your complaint further 

We hope you will only feel the need to make a formal complaint as a last resort and that you will complain to the person dealing with the matter first to give them a chance to put things right.

However, if you are still unhappy, the next step is to put your complaint in writing to the Deputy Chief Executive, setting out the details, explaining what you think went wrong and what you feel would put things right.

If you are not comfortable writing a letter, you a member of our staff can take notes of your complaint. You should make sure you agree with what they have recorded and that they provide you with your own copy for reference.

When the Deputy Chief Executive receives the complaint, s/he will arrange for it to be fully investigated. Your complaint will be acknowledged in writing within five working days of receiving it and the letter will say when you can expect a full response.

This should normally be within three weeks unless the matter is very complicated, such as where other organisations need to be contacted. Where this is the case, we will still let you know what action is being taken and tell you when we expect to provide you with a full response.

Step three – the next stage

If you are not satisfied with the Deputy Chief Executive’s investigation and response you can ask that your complaint be dealt with by the Chief Executive. If this still fails to satisfy you, you can take your complaint to the Changeworks Board.

All materials relating to your complaint and the responses you have received, as well as investigations undertaken by the Deputy Chief Executive and Chief Executive will be sent to the Chair of the Board (contact details will be provided for you). S/he will let you know within seven working days that they have received your complaint and tell you when to expect a full response from them.

Taking your compaint outside the organisation

If you are not satisfied with the Board’s response, you can always seek advice from outside the organisation. It may be possible to seek help from an advice agency or other organisation. Changeworks will provide you with details of any services local to your area if we can.

How to contact us


0131 555 4010


Liz Partington, Deputy Chief Executive


Orchard Brae House

30 Queensferry Road
