Get a retrofit

Get a retrofit

If you’re thinking of retrofitting your home to make it more energy efficient, Changeworks has a number of funded and self-funded options available.

A man wearing a high vis vest on the roof of a house installing solar panels.

EcoCosi home retrofit service

EcoCosi from Changeworks is a new home improvement service for homeowners. We deliver home comfort with energy efficient retrofit.  

As the experts in decarbonisation, Changeworks provides tailored advice and a quality service. We’ll be by your side, supporting your journey towards a cosier, more energy efficient home. 

How EcoCosi works

We’ll identify the best solution tailored to you and your home, and provide technical advice and support throughout your retrofit project. We’ll also connect you with quality suppliers and oversee installations ensuring your retrofit is delivered to the highest standards.  

Our comprehensive service includes the creation of a whole house assessment. This takes into account your home’s current energy use and efficiency.

EcoCosi adopts a fabric-first approach, meaning we focus on improving insulation and ventilation before considering renewable heating systems and energy generation.

The service is currently available in Edinburgh and the Lothians, and will be rolled out to other parts of Scotland at a later date.

Learn more about EcoCosi

Home Energy Scotland Grant

A male and female looking at their laptop whilst sat on the sofa.

The Home Energy Scotland Grant gives you funding towards a variety of energy efficiency improvements. As it’s a grant, you don’t have to pay anything back.

Extra financial support is available for people in remote, rural or island areas of Scotland, where decarbonising homes can be more challenging 

Homeowners can get up to 75% of the cost of energy efficiency measures paid for by the grant. The most you can receive is £7,500 (or £9,000 if you’re in a remote, rural or island area of Scotland). 

An optional Home Energy Scotland Loan is also offered to top up the amount of grant funding you can get. 

Home Energy Scotland funding includes:

  • External wall insulation grants
  • Cavity wall insulation grants
  • Flat roof or room-in-roof insulation grants
  • Loft insulation grants
  • Under floor insulation grants

Learn more about the Home Energy Scotland Grant

Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Schemes

Changeworks delivers Energy Efficient Scotland: Area Based Schemes (EES: ABS) to householders across Scotland to help reduce bills and save energy. 

Over the last 12 years, alongside the Scottish Government, local authorities and Home Energy Scotland, we have supported thousands of householders across Scotland to install energy efficiency measures. These have included  air source heat pumps, solar panels, and internal, external or cavity wall insulation. 

If you live in Edinburgh, Aberdeen, Moray, Fife, the Scottish Borders, Midlothian or South Lanarkshire you will receive a letter asking you to register your interest online.

EES: ABS may be available across a whole council area or a smaller, more targeted area.

Find out if you are eligible for EES: ABS

Register your interest in EcoCosi from Changeworks

Find out more about how our home retrofit service can help make your home warmer and more comfortable, as well as lower your energy bills.