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Fuel poverty in rural Scotland: The Solutions

Following on from our A perfect storm – Fuel poverty in rural Scotland report, Changeworks collaborated with stakeholders to identify solutions to the level of fuel poverty revealed by that research.

Whilst being designed for rural Scotland specifically, many of the suggested solutions would help alleviate fuel poverty in general.

Nine areas for change have been identified, with several solutions posited in each:

  • Defining and identifying fuel poverty
  • Targeting fuel poverty support
  • Funding for advice services
  • Delivering support on the ground
  • Energy retail market reform
  • Energy wholesale market reform
  • Maximising local energy generation benefits
  • Supporting local supply chains
  • Improving the energy efficiency of homes

The report divides the solutions into three timescales: immediate, medium term, and long term. Since the majority of the solutions could be implemented immediately, it’s clearly possible to begin effectively addressing rural fuel poverty right now.

The solutions presented in the report were informed by the research in an earlier document: A perfect storm – fuel poverty in rural Scotland. Both reports are available below.