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Stakeholder Voice Report: A just transition to low carbon heat in off-gas rural Scotland

Scotland’s net zero target requires novel approaches to pay for the decarbonisation of homes. The current journey to installing low carbon heating is fragmented and can be challenging for homeowners to navigate. New approaches are needed, which are replicable, scalable, and fair.

This Changeworks research project focuses on a just transition to low carbon heat in rural off-gas areas in Scotland, where current rates of fuel poverty are high.

The research identifies four possible models for upgrading homes at scale:

  1. Collective purchase
  2. Payment plan
  3. Community asset ownership
  4. Third party ownership


Further information about the proposed models can be found in this discussion document.

Changeworks engaged with stakeholders to assess the level of buy in and support for each model. Our consultation exercise sought feedback from all housing tenures and the supply chain.

The Stakeholder Voice report outlines what stakeholders thought about the four models. There was support for each model. This is encouraging, since it is likely that a mixture of all models is necessary for Scotland to effectively decarbonise. However, there are challenges across all four models for each stakeholder group.

As the success of any approach will rely heavily on national policy decisions, the Scottish Government must work with stakeholders to meet these challenges. This is the only way to ensure transition a just transition to low-carbon living.

This report is one of three documents from the project ‘A just transition to low carbon heat’, which was funded by the European Climate Foundation. Each document can be accessed below.

This report is one of three documents from the project ‘A just transition to low carbon heat’, which was funded by the European Climate Foundation. Each document can be accessed below.