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Without impact evaluation you could hit the target, but miss the point

Climate change: Why do we need to evaluate our impact? 

We can’t meet net zero without impact evaluation

The Scottish Government’s recent rollback on its statutory 2030 climate targets have shown us one thing: Ambition means nothing without action.  

Target setting is a key route to reducing carbon emissions and fighting climate change. However, if we don’t commit to evaluating our actions and learning along the way, we can’t measure the success of our steps towards net zero. Without impact evaluation you may hit the target, but you will most likely miss the point. 

Evaluating the impact of retrofit projects 

Only through evaluating the impact of retrofit projects – and designing evaluation into the project before the project is underway – can we gain valuable insights that should inform future project design. By carrying out evaluation that uses robust baseline data before, during and after retrofitting buildings, we can find out whether installations are having the intended impacts on carbon emissions, energy usage, and the warmth and comfort of those living in the home. 

The 2021 Scottish Government’s Heat in Buildings Strategy included the establishment of a monitoring and evaluation framework. However, this framework is still under development three years down the line. 

Relying on theoretical modelling alone to deliver net zero projects does not account for real world nuance and context, such as the behaviours of residents at home. 

If done in the right way, decarbonising residential buildings can have other benefits for householders, such as reduced energy bills, reduced stress and greater comfort. Such improvements can have wider benefits such as improved health and wellbeing, reducing costs for the National Health Service.

The range of impacts can only be truly understood if evaluation continues after low-carbon heating and energy efficiency measures are installed. Without evaluating projects and reporting on feedback from householders over at least the next year, you might be able to say you’ve ticked the box, but can’t say what impacts were made as a result.  

Ensuring a just transition 

People should be brought along the journey to net zero. If we understand the impact of retrofit on people’s lives, we can improve practices and discover which retrofit methods deliver the biggest impacts.  

Without measuring impact, it is hard to know whether or not decarbonisation follows the principle of a just transition. Aside from not knowing if your project truly achieves net zero emissions without measuring impacts in a meaningful way, ‘box ticking’ without evaluation cannot ensure a just transition.  

If lessons can’t be learned, learnings can’t be shared. By sharing knowledge and experiences, we can run the race together and bring forward the finish line.

Find out more about Changeworks’ Impact Evaluation team and services.

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