
My supplier missed or cancelled a home visit appointment

An elderly man sitting on a sofa after a missed appointment with his energy supplier

Your supplier should give at least 24 hours’ notice if they are going to miss or cancel an appointment with you. If they don’t, then you’re entitled to £30 compensation.

If this payment isn’t made within 10 working days, then you’re entitled to an extra £30.

There are some exceptions to this rule. For example, your supplier won’t pay compensation if:

  • You cancelled or missed the appointment
  • They dispute your claim

If you think you’re entitled to compensation, use our message template below to request it from your energy supplier.

Click the ⓘ icons for more information on gathering what you need and filling out the template.

You will need…

  • Your account number
  • Your latest bill
  • The gas and/or electricity readings

Once you’ve got this information, you’re ready to use the template below.

Don’t worry if some of the template doesn’t apply to your issue. You can remove any unnecessary lines from your message once you’ve downloaded it.

My name is
My address is
My account number is
[account number]
I am writing to let you know about a
[date and time of missed appointment]
of missed appointment someone from your company was meant to visit my home to
[reason for appointment]
. However, the appointment did not go ahead.
I received
[no notice/less than 24 hours’ notice]
of the cancellation.
Under Ofgem’s rules, if a supplier misses or cancels an appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice, they should pay the customer £30. If this payment is not made within 10 working days, a further payment of £30 is required.
Please can you confirm that I will be receiving £30 compensation and how I will receive this.
Kind regards,

Letter copied to clipboard

Don’t forget to paste this into an email to your energy supplier.

Sending your message

There are different ways you can send your message to your supplier. You can:

  • copy and paste it into an email or web form
  • download it and attach it to an email
  • download it and print it out to send in the post
  • if communicating via an online chat or form, you can use the information here to guide what you send

Remember, it’s important to save a copy of the message for your records.

Next steps

Your supplier should pay you compensation. They may confirm in writing that they are going to do this. Remember, how you are paid depends on you meter type.

According to Ofgem’s rules, energy supplier’s must pay compensation if they cancel of miss your appointment with less than 24 hours’ notice. If they’re not willing to do this, you can raise a complaint. Our complaints template can help you do this.

If you haven’t heard back from your supplier within two weeks, you can raise a complaint. Use our complaints template to help you.  Remember, your supplier should provide £30 compensation within 10 working days of the missed appointment. If they don’t pay you within this time, you’re entitled to an extra £30.