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Changeworks making a big impact in tackling the climate crisis 

Impact report

Changeworks, Scotland’s leading charity for low-carbon living, recorded another successful year of cutting emissions, saving over 245,000 tonnes of CO2e in 2021/22 and working with over 74,000 householders across Scotland.

With almost 3,600 insulation measures and over 900 low carbon and renewable technologies installed in homes from the borders to the highlands, Changeworks is making a big difference to people’s lives while also making key progress to Scotland’s net zero goals.

Read our Impact Report online

The challenge

Throughout 2021/22 this work has never been more important, with energy prices, fuel security and the climate crisis on the top of the agenda, and the lasting effects of the COVID-19 pandemic still being felt.

These issues have meant a bigger demand for Changeworks services, and more people reaching out to seek advice and support on how to reduce their fuel bills.

Changeworks has stepped up to meet this challenge, supporting more people to cut a total of £1.86 million from their bills. The charity also worked with 1,900 organisations to create warmer, drier homes that require less energy to heat and to support people with energy advice all across the country.

Josiah Lockhart, Changeworks Chief Executive, said: “We are incredibly proud of everything we’ve achieved over 2021/22. As the country continues to recover from COVID-19 the cost of living crisis has become the primary concern for the people we work with.

“At the same time, the climate crisis is an ever-present threat that requires urgent and decisive action.

“Working with others is vital to achieving our goals and helping to meet net zero targets.”

“From 2022 onwards, under our strategy, Changeworks is focused on one goal: decarbonising Scotland’s homes. Our 35 years of experience means we are perfectly placed to support householders, housing providers and local authorities in improving the energy efficiency of their homes.

“In doing this we’re maximising our contribution to the climate crisis. That’s reflected in the massive 245,000 tonnes of carbon saved.

“2022 has been a year of significant growth for Changeworks. We’re working with more people, more councils and more housing associations than ever before, expanding into new parts of the country.

“We’re growing our teams and developing new, innovative services to do even more to deliver our vision for a low carbon Scotland. We can’t deliver our ambitions for decarbonising Scotland’s homes alone.

“Working with others is vital to achieving our goals and helping to meet net zero targets.”

Contact our team at to find out how you can support our ambitions, and we can support yours.

Are you struggling to pay energy bills?

Find out who you need to contact to get help.