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Levels of fuel poverty higher in rural Scotland

Research published by Changeworks sets out the impact of far higher levels of fuel poverty on the physical and mental health of people living in rural areas of Scotland.

‘A Perfect Storm: Fuel Poverty in Rural Scotland’ was commissioned by the Rural & Islands Housing Associations Forum (RIHAF), the Highlands & Islands Housing Associations Affordable Warmth group (HIHAAW) and Highlands and Islands Enterprise.

The research sets out the drivers, impacts and extent of fuel poverty in rural Scotland, and also identifies solutions. These are presented in the accompanying document Fuel Poverty in Rural Scotland: The Solutions.

“This report highlights an unjust reality; rural Scotland experiences higher levels of fuel poverty than the rest of the country.”

Josiah Lockhart, Changeworks chief executive, said: “This report highlights an unjust reality; rural Scotland experiences higher levels of fuel poverty than the rest of the country.

“These findings bring to light not only the scale of the issue, but also show that any proposed solutions need to be more specific to the unique challenges faced.

“We need to listen to people in these communities who’ve been given a platform in this research and deliver resources that are both proportionate and relevant in order to alleviate fuel poverty.”

Read the full ‘A Perfect Storm: Fuel Poverty in Rural Scotland’ report here.

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