Changeworks reacts to suggested £2,800 October price cap 

With the rising cost of living already creating huge pressure for householders, Changeworks is extremely concerned by the warning from Ofgem that the energy price cap will rise by another £800 later this year. 

This will mean another huge jump in gas and electricity bills just six months after the last increase, and will leave people around the country wondering how they can pay for these unprecedented price hikes. 

Ofgem boss Jonathan Brearley today told the business and energy select committee that he expected the price cap to rise from £1,971 a year for a typical household to around £2,800 in October – an increase of 30 per cent. For many householders their energy costs will be even higher. 

Commenting on the rise, Teresa Bray, Changeworks’ Chief Executive, said: “The increasing prices of gas and electricity have been a consistent topic among those calling our energy advice services, with callers anxious about how to manage bills. 

“We’ve been offering energy advice for over three decades and are doing the best we can to help people reduce their consumption and costs – but the reality is that nothing we can do is enough to mitigate the rapidly rising burden of fuel bills. Improving energy efficiency will help in the longer term but immediate financial help with an increase in benefits is required now. 

“This further increase in October will only serve to push more people into fuel poverty. Government must take radical action considering every option, including a Windfall Tax, to fund targeted support for those in fuel poverty.” 

If you’re looking for help, Changeworks’ projects are here. 

Our Affordable Warmth Services team can help with any issue related to your fuel bills, whether it’s a build up of debt, high estimated bills or making sure you’re on as good a tariff as you can be, give them a call on 0800 870 8800 or enquire online. 

Home Energy Scotland offers completely free and impartial advice on all manner of energy topics, and could give you useful advice on how to reduce your usage and cut your bills that way. Changeworks delivers Home Energy Scotland in the South East and Highlands and Islands, but the service is available nationwide. Call 0808 808 2282 and speak to an advisor. 

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