Jay Scott

Name: Jay Scott

Job title: ICT Support Technician

How long have you worked at Changeworks?

Coming up six years in April 2024.

What is the best thing about working at Changeworks?

The people. Most people I’ve had the pleasure of working with are very kind and very easy to get along with. This breeds productivity and helps maintain a positive working environment.

What has been the highlight of your time Changeworks?

My highlight would have been when I finished my one-year apprenticeship and was given a full-time contract within a team I enjoyed working for.

How would you describe your colleagues?

They care about the goals Changeworks have and are very passionate about it. They are all very positive, even when faced with adversity, and find ways to overcome this.

What makes Changeworks a unique place to work?

Changeworks offers an excellent culture along with a great work-life balance. Each day I feel empowered to help my colleagues deliver excellent project to benefit people across Scotland.